Self sabotage or self preservation?

This is a saying I often use with clients. It’s a favourite of mine and using my new found hobby I decided to put it onto paper via the sketch app on my iPad. Sometimes the ending changes to “milked all day” or “milked longer than was good for your health”. I find it helps… Continue reading Self sabotage or self preservation?

Weekends, PDA and the need for no plans

Another weekend with a plan to have no plans. Earlier today I was sitting in my pj’s contemplating leaving my room and grabbing breakfast after a much needed lie in. I knew I needed to muster together and take the dirty washing down, load the machine and have a shower but I avoid all this… Continue reading Weekends, PDA and the need for no plans

No filter

I saw a post earlier asking those parents of children with ASD about funny things their children have said out of the blue. It is said that those with ASD have no filter, making social interactions and meet-ups somewhat difficult or awkward, sometimes upsetting others, other times creating embarrassment or a much needed laugh. It… Continue reading No filter

A long week and the not so usual Friday feeling

This week has been exactly as described above. I’ve worked long hours, haven’t been sleeping well and I was at the point yesterday where I was ready for killing dead things. I can’t blame being a woman or the time of the month for my mood yesterday, but the 10 days off I had over… Continue reading A long week and the not so usual Friday feeling

Music and memories

Today, despite being up early for the weekend, I didn’t leave my room until early afternoon, tidying up the mess and sorting washing while snacking on cashew nuts until I made it downstairs to make a meal. I was on a mission, my room needed sorting. I remember reading somewhere that the state of your… Continue reading Music and memories

The 45mph coach potato aka the big fella

What a week! Busy in work, my son finished his self isolation as a close contact and collected his new car. Dad got his second Covid vaccination and had 2 teeth out. The mood in the house has improved all round. I finished today til next Wednesday, went and got my own first Covid vaccination… Continue reading The 45mph coach potato aka the big fella